Emerald Laser Fat Treatment

Welcome to Emerald Laser Fat Loss

Are you tired of struggling with with stubborn fat that just wont budge no matter how much you exercise or diet? Or has the menopause left you with some extra inches around the abdomen area? Do you have cellulite that you would like to improve?

Look no further! At Exmouth Body Aesthetics we can carry out treatments with our new cutting-edge technology low level laser therapy device to help you achieve your desired body shape and help you regain your confidence.

Why Choose Emerald Laser Treatment For Fat Removal?

This state of the art Laser technology is the very latest in advancements for fat loss treatments.

We use low level cool lasers which precisely target the fat cells and cause a transitionary pore in the outside of the cell wall to allow the fat seep out and be flushed away through the lymphatic drainage system. This allows us to then keep a healthy fat cell which helps to speed up metabolism by being able to work more efficiently.

Exmouth body Aesthetics is the ONLY clinic in the South West to provide this treatment.

Fat Loss Treatment With Emerald Laser Therapy

Safe & Non Invasive Laser Treatment:

Say goodbye to invasive surgical procedures and hello to our non invasive laser treatments.

This FDA approved treatment is non-invasive and safe for people with a BMI of up to 40. The Emerald Laser is the only device of this kind in the country.

Our procedures are entirely PAIN FREE and SAFE requiring no incisions or NO DOWNTIME You can get back to your daily activities immediately after each session.

Customised Laser Treatment Plans:

We understand that each person’s body is unique, and that’s why we create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific goal and needs.

Our experienced nurse will assess your body and devise a plan that suits you best, ensuring optimal results.

Targeted Inch Loss Treatment:

Our laser technology precisely targets stubborn areas of fat in areas, such as abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, chins and even knees and calf’s.

By focusing on problem areas, we can help you achieve noticeable inch loss and sculpt a more contoured figure.

The size of the device allows us to also treat the body 360, ensuring a whole circumferential inch loss, not just small pockets of fat like other methods used.

Quick & Effective Fat Loss Results:

With emerald Laser fat loss, you can expect to see results in as little as 4 weeks, but many people report feeling more energised after just a few sessions. Our treatments are designed to deliver quick and effective outcomes, perfect for weddings, summer holidays or special celebrations.

We can help you reach your body goals in a shorter time frame.

Expert Emerald Laser Therapy Practitioners:

Our highly skilled team are committed to providing you with a professional and comfortable experience throughout your journey with us.

Complimentary Wellness support:

We believe in a holistic approach to wellness. In addition to our laser treatment, we offer complimentary guidance on nutrition and, exercise and lifestyle habits to help you maintain your results and live a healthier life.

Fat Removal Without Surgery - Sounds too good to be true?

Don't take our word for it.

Take a look at clinical research and trials, our fantastic client testimonials, as well as Emerald Laser before and after images.

Enquire About Emerald Laser Treatment Today

Ready to say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a more confident you? Take the first step
towards your dream body today!

Contact us via phone, email, or our convenient online form below to
schedule your consultation.

What do our clients say?

“I can’t believe I lost 7Lbs in weight in just 3 weeks - I was only having my neck and chin treated so really didn’t expect such a good weight loss too!“


“I was a bit sceptical at first as you just lie down and relax you totally don’t feel a thing. It’s a bit different to my usual no pain no gain motto but I’m now converted after 6 sessions I had lost inches and had to wear a belt with my trousers and shorts for the first time in years. I can really feel a difference and feel good about myself now."


“Since starting my emerald experience my total mindset has changed. During the consultation Lisa really looked into my current health and well being and was able to look at areas of my lifestyle that needed to change and with her encouragement I am now an avid water drinker (this will come to a shock as anyone who knows me!) and walk for at least 30 mins a day. That’s what I like about the emerald treatment, the minimal lifestyle changes are all manageable and achievable. You don’t have to go to strenuous exercise classes or go in extreme diets.

Within the first few weeks I had lost 1inch around my waist and a couple of weeks later I have now lost 3 inches so far. My sleep quality has also improved and I’m feeling more energised. I feel more confident about myself and I’m looking forward to getting my thighs treated next.


Contact Us

07967 779913

13 St John’s Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 4BY

Exmouth Body Aesthetics is located in the seaside town of Exmouth, East Devon. It is just a 10 min drive from junction 29 on the M5 and is just 12 miles away from Exeter. It has good rail and bus links available from neighbouring towns of Exeter, Sidmouth, Honiton and Budleigh Salterton.

To enquire or book a session, please fill out your details below and we'll be in contact as soon as possible.